Felixstowe novelist's latest thriller, What Lies Inside, out this month

By Guest

14th Jun 2024 | Local News

Felixstowe novelist Iain Maitland has his latest psych thriller, What Lies Inside, published by Inkubator Books, out on Amazon on 16 June, and is available to pre-order.

It tells the story of Malcolm Todd, an older man, who falls for a younger woman. Can he find true love with her? Malcolm seems quiet and unassuming. But what lies inside is very, very different.

"This is my fifth psych thriller with Inkubator – The Girl Downstairs, The Perfect Husband, The Soulmate, The New Son and now, What Lies Inside."

"The Perfect Husband was an Amazon Best-Seller and it's all kind of rolled from there. I'm currently writing three psychs a year. I'm just finishing You're All Mine and The Real Father, out later this year and early next."

"It's all digital first publishing for me these days. I write a book in four months, it's out in three or four and the publisher, the Amazon algorithms and a growing and loyal readership do the rest!"


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