Felixstowe ferris wheel due to open in mid-July after being approved by planning chiefs today

By Derek Davis

27th Jun 2023 | Local News

How Felixstowe ferris wheel could look at night (Picture: ESC)
How Felixstowe ferris wheel could look at night (Picture: ESC)

A Ferris wheel will be installed on Felixstowe seafront in mid-July after it was today approved unanimously by planning bosses.

One member of the East Suffolk planning committee south summed up the mood when he said: "This is the sort of thing that will go along way to improve our resort even more."

Seafront garden wihere wheel will be sited (Picture: ESC)
The wheel will be sited in a garden area on Sea Road, Felixstowe, opposite Mannings amusements.

Applicant Paul Hedges told the committee that he hoped to have the 113ft (34.5m) high observation wheel to be situated on Sea Road operational by mid-July until the October half-term break.

He confirmed it would have capacity for carrying 144 people, with each of its 24 enclosures capable of holding six. One would be accessible for disabled people.

But added: "t is bit like a car, it is unlikely to be full all the time."

Applicant PPaul Hedges spoke at commttee (Picture: Zoom)

The wheel will be open Monday - Friday 10.00 - 21.00, Saturday 10.00 - 22.00 and Sunday 10.00 - 21.00.

It was agreed the site shall have been returned to its current form and appearance with the raised grass beds, central walkway and promenade boundary wall reinstated. The sea defences wall will not be affected.

Committee members were told by a planning officer how the nearest residents lived 100m away from the wheel.

The reason for the six month licence was due to concerns and it would monitor the noise and other impacts.

Positive comments included the tourism attraction on council owned land opposite Mannings Amusements and Beach Street kiosks,

Wheel will be opposite Mannings (Google maps)

The officers' report, concluded: "The observation wheel would be a large and prominent addition to the sea front.

"However, its situation is not considered to be harmful to the character or appearance of the wider area.

"It would provide an additional attraction to the tourism offer at the resort, helping to support the wider economy.

"The impact on open space would be minimal and – following the expiry of the planning permission – the area would be returned to its current condition."

Out of the 15 letters sent in from members of the public consulted on the wheel, followed by a further three subsequent representations, 13 in total supported the proposal, while five were against.

Letter in support were summarised as:

  • - Good addition to the town as a whole
  • - Provide a new, interesting attraction
  • - Would bring in more visitors and therefore more money - Would support other businesses in the town
  • - Would increase visitor footfall
  • - It would provide a seafront focal feature
  • - Great attraction for a day out
  • - Bring in investment and provide diversity

Objections received included:

  • - Site is too small for the size of the wheel
  • - Wheel would be overbearing and visually very dominant given height and colour
  • - It would be overused - 12 hours a day, 7 days a week with lights and noise
  • - Would increase anti-social behaviour
  • - Loss of public land
  • - Would set a precedent for other similar uses/attractions along the grassed area
  • - Other examples given aren't comparable in terms of hours of operation and location
  • - Would result in the loss of a quieter walking and picnic area
  • - There are already enough food kiosks
  • - Parking is already a problem with a lack of spaces and on-street parking blocking residents driveways
  • - Would result in noise and light pollution
  • - No benefit for residents
  • - Overlooking


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