Resort to host ‘Love Felixstowe’ festival and Tour of Britain stage five finish

By Nub News guest writer

27th Jun 2023 | Local News

Love Felixstowe and Tour of Britain combine
Love Felixstowe and Tour of Britain combine

Felixstowe BID, Felixstowe Town Council and East Suffolk Council are delighted to announce their collaboration in hosting 'Love Felixstowe,' a six-day celebration event showcasing the town's vibrant spirit and local businesses to the community and visitors.

The event will culminate with the arrival of stage five of the Tour of Britain, an international cycle race comprising some of the best male cyclists in the world, on Thursday 7 September.

Love Felixstowe will feature a weekend programme of events from September 2nd to 4th, encompassing the town and seafront areas. The High Street, promenade, local businesses, and venues will come alive with street entertainment, including jugglers and musicians.

The Beachside Events area will host an information marquee, workshops, and various activities such as bike workshops and a pop-up photo booth.

The popular Outdoor Cinema will also return, and organisers are inviting suggestions for movies for both a morning and evening showing.

Cllr Katie Graham, East Suffolk Council's cabinet member for Communities, Leisure and Tourism said: "We're really excited about the Tour of Britain returning to East Suffolk this September after the success of Felixstowe hosting the Women's Tour in 2021. To celebrate this sporting spectacular, we're working with Felixstowe BID and Felixstowe Town Council to plan a big weekend for everyone. Love Felixstowe will be a fun-filled festival full of activities, with something for the whole family and the perfect build-up to welcome the Tour of Britain for the stage 5 finish on Thursday 7 September."

Felixstowe BID Manager Kate Cain said: "There will be a great variety of things going on around the town including a steel band, dixie band, local buskers, street food, facepainting, storytelling and led bike rides, alongside sports and activities with input from a number of local organisations. There will be something for everyone.

"We know that Felixstowe contains a wealth of talent, and we would welcome any local entertainers, suppliers or organisations to get involved."

Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th will focus on businesses and local organizations, with networking and information events planned in the town.

The grand finale of Love Felixstowe will take place on Thursday 7 September, with the arrival of the Tour of Britain.

To celebrate, the finish line will host a business challenge and a 10km community bike ride. Additionally, a Tour Village will provide information, activities, and representatives from Tour of Britain sponsors.

Cllr Seamus Bennett, Mayor of Felixstowe said: "Felixstowe loves welcoming top cycling events. We hosted the first ever Women's Tour in 2014 and after successfully hosting the final stage of the Women's Tour in 2021, it's really exciting to welcome the Men's Tour of Britain to our beautiful town, with a seaside finish.

"We are sure that the new Love Felixstowe event will create a positive legacy for years to come."

People are encouraged to email [email protected] for more information or to register interest as an entertainer or supplier.


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