Nub News getting up close and personal with Felixstowe's finest in 2020

By Derek Davis

28th Dec 2020 | Local News

As part of Felixstowe Nub News' commitment to quality localised news, feature and comment, we have an Up Close feature which shines a light on the best this town offers.

We are planning even more Up Close features in the new year, and we encourage you to let us know about someone you would like to see highlighted.

In the eight months the Felixstowe Nub News online website has been supplying your town in your pocket with a wide range of updates, articles, community news and features, we have already attracted more than 76,000 unique users (almost treble the town's population), with nearly 260k hits on the website.

Here is a look back at some of the personalities we have featured so far in our Up Close features.

Felixstowe author Ally Aldridge hits home with her popular genre and gives a glimpse into her inspiration.

Inspirational 102-year-old Joan Rich on raising funds for the NHS Charities and her amazing background.

Mariners top chef Louis Andrews on their plans for perfection and standing out when pubs get back to normal.

Fun loving Amanda and David Fisher told of why they took over at the White Horse in the toughest of times.

Teenager Guy Comber this life-saver was a deserved winner of prestigious award and talked to Nub News about his exploits.

Thriller writer Iain Maitland gives this insight into his creepy storytelling and why television producers have sapped it up.

Felixstowe Palace boss Vivienne Warren talks survival, boxing shows, and Julia Roberts.

London Recruit John Marsling told of his incredible true story of fighting apartheid, which is now being turned into a feature film.

Felixstowe Mark Jepsonand his positive outlook for the resort.

Landguard Fort boss Nicola Barker on managing Felixstowe's leading attraction and its volunteers.

[L][L+]Finicky boss Nick Murrell on how lockdown affected his hairdressing business.

Feel free to let us know if you would like to see someone featured Up Close by Felixstowe Nub News: contact editor [email protected]

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