Monday's Felixstowe Breakfast Briefing

Did you know?
The Gourami is considered among the most popular community fish for beginner and hobby aquariums. Sold by family run pet shop Conkers in Felixstowe, they are very adaptable and easy to feed, and rarely cause problems so far as aggression goes, although males can become territorial during breeding.Gouramis are a very pretty fish and come in a variety of vibrant colours and patterns and can usually be found swimming about at all levels of the aquarium.
Find the tradesperson, service or outlet you need on the Local List here…
Add your business to our Local List directory here, it is free and easy to use.Today's Felixstowe sunrise: 06:18
Today's Felixstowe sunset: 19:26Tide Times:
03:24 3.74m08:57 0.85m
15:31 3.83m21:21 0.65m
Floodgates openWeather:
Early mist or fog patches, or areas of low cloud, will clear to leave a dry morning with some bright or sunny spells for a time before cloud increases from the west. Staying dry and cloudy this afternoon. Maximum Temperature 22c, low off 11cOrwell Bridge:
Subject to closure - Check Live Travel here...Quote of the day:
It has always been my private conviction that any man who puts his intelligence up against a fish and loses had it coming.John Steinbeck
Joke of the day:
Two fish are in a tank, one looks at the other and says,
How do you drive this thing?Today's Post Office Openings:
Bent Hill, Wolsey Garden – 10.30 – 12.30Felixstowe, Hamilton Road - 09.00 – 15.00
Old Felixstowe, High Road, East – 09.00-17.30Walton High Street – 08.15 – 17.30
Trimley High Road – 06.00 – 22.00Today's supermarket shop openings:
Co-op Hamilton Road – 08.00-20.00Co-op Wadgate Road – 06.00-23.00
Co-op High Road West - 07.00-23.00Co-op King Street – 06.00-23.00
Co-op Walton High Street 06.00-23.00Morrison's – 07.00 – 21.00 (petrol 08.00-22.00)
Tesco metro – 07.00-22.00Sainsbury's Warren Heath – 08.00-22.00
Lidl Langer Road: 08.00 – 21.00Lidl Haven exchange: 08.00-21.00
Wear face covering. Respect social distancing rules and treat shop staff with respect.
Link here to see which other businesses are now open
This weeks' surgeries and dispensary times:
Grove Medical centre 08.00-18.30 (283197)Haven Health 08.00-18.30 (670107)
Howard House 09.00-17.00 (282706)Felixstowe Community Hospital (458820)
Live travel updates:
Train times and traffic hold ups
Bus services:
Check here for Monday to Friday timetable FerrysFelixstowe-Harwich-Shotley Foot Ferry running
Felixstowe to Bawdsey is now running.See which businesses are still operating with our Felixstowe Business Directory: Add your business or community group to our Local List
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