Felixstowe thriller writer's latest book out this week

By Guest

18th Feb 2022 | Local News

Felixstowe author Iain Maitland's new book, The Wickham Market Murder, is out on Kindle this week; and is available in paperback in two weeks, published by Sharpe Books.

"This is the first of three Edwardian murder mystery novellas." Iain explains, They feature the detectives Bloomfield and Palmer. They are all set locally."

"The Wickham Market Murder will be followed by two more later this year – The Southwold Murders and The Cobbold Point Murder – with an omnibus early next year."

"I'm best-known for my psych thrillers – Sweet William, Mr Todd's Reckoning, The Scribbler and The Girl Downstairs. These have all done well – the latest, The Girl Downstairs, was a Number One Hot New Release on Amazon UK and a Number Two on the US site and has had 2,000 ratings all-in which is pretty good going."

"I've been asked to write three more psych thrillers for the publisher, Inkubator Books, and the first of these, The Perfect Husband, should be out this summer."

"Writing the three Edwardian murder mystery novellas – I'm now working on The Southwold Murders – is great fun. My psych thrillers deal with mental health issues and are full of guts and gore. These novellas are Agatha Christie-ish and I hope readers will love reading them as much as I'm enjoying writing them."

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